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Confession: I recently dated a guy who was perfect for me. He was smart, emotionally available, good looking, and jackpot of all jackpots - he was 6 foot tall. All was going swimmingly until we started getting hot and heavy. I noticed he would occasionally steer my face to the direction of his butt. Yes, his hindquarters. Derriere. Rump. Specifically, he wanted me to use my tongue around that area, and I'm no prude, but that's going to be a solid no for me.

Eventually after a few wines one night, he brought it up. Questioning why I wouldn't like to treat his bot-bot like a lollypop and I simply said I can't. I'm the same with sashimi. Sure, Chiếu ngựa nguyên khối gỗ hương other people might enjoy this fine Japanese delicacy - but in my mind, it's still raw fish and Chiếu ngựa nguyên khối gỗ lim I just can't get my head around it. Safe to say, I feel the same way about butts. Jana Hocking recently dated a man who was smart, emotionally available, good looking, and 6 foot tall Nevertheless, every time we got our kit off he would attempt to steer me in the same direction and in the end I had to call time on our relationship.

It was getting annoying, and I had no interest in getting intimate with that particular part of his body. Then last week I had an epiphany. I suddenly realised why men cheat. This epiphany came about when I won the dinner party lottery and was sat next to someone truly interesting with a fascinating career. After crossing off all the polite conversation topics like the weather and travel, we got onto our chosen professions. Now usually I'm the one to get asked a million and Chiếu ngựa nguyên khối gỗ hương one questions about my career.

'What do you mean you write about sex and dating?' 'What does your family think?' 'Aren't you worried men will be nervous to date you?' blah blah blah. But tonight was different. Tonight, I was sitting across from a madam of a brothel. She explained she had bought the business using the money from her very ugly divorce. It was something she had wanted to do for years, and Chiếu ngựa nguyên khối gỗ lim now, given her freedom and looking for a good distraction from her broken love life, she dived right in.

Jana recently had an epiphany and suddenly realised why men cheat She told me lots of tidbits about her job but there was one particular thing I found fascinating. When I asked her how many married men came to her establishment, she said they made up a very high percentage of clientele. However, her reasoning made me stop and ponder. You see, she said most of them come to satisfy particular kinks they don't feel comfortable asking for from their wives.

(Image: [[https://motogo.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/homestay-hoa-lu-ninh-binh.jpg|https://motogo.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/homestay-hoa-lu-ninh-binh.jpg)]]Ahh yes, the ol' 'Madonna-Whore Complex'. Coined by the founder of psychoanalysis himself, Sigmund Freud. He defined this condition as 'the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed, loving relationship' and that it 'is said to develop in men who see women as either saintly Madonnas or debased prostitutes.' It compartmentalises women into two simple categories - the pure and the tainted.

the_t_uth_about_why__good_men__cheat_-_and_i_don_t_think_it_s_w_ong.txt · Última modificación: 2024/03/27 22:26 por felica66r0